Being of Sacred Service

“The value of all service lies in the spirit in which you serve and not in the importance or magnitude of the service.”  Charles Fillmore

In Unity, we feel a sacred responsibility, individually and collectively, to make a positive difference through personal example and active service in our churches, our communities and our world.

We believe being of loving service is a sacred pathway to experiencing Spirit’s Presence; and being of Sacred Service is essential to one’s spiritual growth.  We believe being of service creates an opening for us to realize the Christ presence within ourselves and others. 

We invite you to look at the opportunities we offer to be of Spiritual Sacred Service, not only as a way of supporting the ministry, but more as an opportunity to create heaven on earth, here now.  As a spiritual community, we are participants in creation.  Let us create an atmosphere that fosters loving support and fellowship while providing the opportunity to experience an ever-increasing expression of God in our community and within ourselves.

Being of loving service comes with its own perks, such as:

  • Insight into developing our natural gifts and talents.

  • Heightens our awareness of spiritual principle.

  • Empowers nurturing relationships.

  • Giving from love always raises consciousness.

  • Helps us remember who we are, expressions of God/Co-Creators.

Our Spiritual community has said “Yes” to creating a field of love and the opportunity for the Holy Spirit to express Itself through us.  Our intention is to maintain a safe, empowering place for people to remember and experience the truth of who they have come here to be through sacred service and education. 

Sacred Service Opportunities:
Audio/Visual Ministry - Facilitates Sunday Service by running sound, PowerPoint slide shows and video camera.  Occasionally requested to assist with other events and activities.  Contact: Michael Wilmshurst - mikew@unityofcitrus.org

Bookstore Ministry - Team members are familiar with the inventory, handle sales, help with administrative duties, and keep the bookstore area orderly.  Contact: Jane Newhouse

Building and Grounds Ministry - Is responsible for seeing to the maintenance of the building interior and exterior, and grounds.  The team will do what is feasible for them and make recommendations to the Board regarding jobs that are beyond their ability.  Contact: james.wallace@unityofcitrus.org

Hospitality Ministry - Members of this team share in the host function and help create a loving and friendly atmosphere at the church during all church events.  Sunday social hour/potlucks, kitchen food prep, as well as, supervising clean up, and recruiting members as needed to help. Contact: Pat Maynard - pat.maynard@unityofcitrus.org

Music Ministry - Music celebrates and uplifts, creates meditative space, and soothes the soul.  Music deepens the overall experience of any service, class, or event.  This team has many ways to be of service.

Prayer Chaplain Ministry - We are committed to reaching out in prayer, comfort, and support to our congregation in person and on the phone. Special training required. Contact: Pam Redmer - Pam.redmer@unityofcitrus.org

Ministry Security Awareness Team Implements security measures to ensure the safety of our congregation at all times during service and events.  Contact:  TBD

Special Events Ministry - This team is responsible for advertising and organizing “events” at the church.  They also book reservations for overnight speakers, arrange transportation, and do whatever is necessary to make our special event guests feel welcome.  Contact: Helen Oliveira   helen.oliveira@unityofcitrus.org

Ushers & Greeters Ministry - Enjoys meeting new people. They warmly greet all who come to our spiritual community, hand out bulletins, and assist in collecting the love offering.  Contact: Jeff Zambrana   jeff.zambrana@unityofcitrus.org   Phone: (239) 246-3223

Welcoming Ministry - Welcomes new people to the church, chats with the visitor, how did they found out about our church, invites them to stay for lunch, introduces the visitor to someone else, etc. Contact: TBD

Helping Hands Ministry - Offers temporary assistance to members of the Unity congregation in times of need.  Assistance is available for visits, rides, meals, housekeeping, pet care, etc. This team is involved with visiting, calling, and assisting members of our congregation who are in a hospital or nursing home or who may be confined to their home. Birthday, get well, sympathy, or thank you cards are sent to members as the occasion arises. Contact: TBD

Youth and Family Ministry -This teams’ goal is to teach our youngest members the fundamentals of Unity at a level that they can understand.  Special training required.   Contact: Sandy Gascon


Use our Sacred Service Engagement Form to get connected. Print and return your completed form to the church office.