Unity's Vision, Mission and Values

Unity's Vision, Mission and Values


A world lovingly transformed through shared spiritual awakening.


To be a loving, accepting spiritual community transforming lives through prayer, education, fellowship and sacred service.


  • Spirit-Led
    Spirit guides our thoughts and actions as we co-create a world that works for all.
  • Positivity
    We are a positive path for spiritual living.
  • Generosity
    We are in the flow of God's inexhaustible supply and share freely with the world.
  • Transformation
    We are a dynamic spiritual community on the leading edge of spiritual evolution. We teach universal spiritual principles that change lives.
  • Diversity
    We affirm that all people are created with sacred worth. We are guided by spirit in our thoughts and actions. We promote greater understanding among people in a spirit of unity and oneness.
  • Integrity
    We model honesty, trustworthiness, respect and loyalty in all our relationships. We practice compassion, warmth, and sincerity in a safe and loving environment. We act from a place of wholeness and are ethical in all our actions. We keep our word.