Our 5 Principles

Our 5 Principles

1. God is all good and active in everything, everywhere.

2. I am naturally good because I am a child of God. Divinity is in me and in everyone else.

3. I create my experience by how I choose to think and what I believe.

4. Through affirmative prayer and meditation, I connect with God and bring out the good in my life.

5. I do and give my best by living the truth I know. I make a difference.











· Empower children and youth to discover and use their spiritual “tools”.
· Be examples as teachers to practice what we teach.
· Partner teachers and parents in children’s spiritual growth and education.

Who We Are

As a spiritual community, we provide a safe place of love and acceptance where children and teens can experience the recognition of their oneness with God.

Our purpose is to create programs and experiences that invite the Divine potential in each child, so that they may grow and expand to let their Divine Light Shine.